800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


April 2016

Tell the Story

TELL THE STORY (Christian Schools International - Christian Education Week 2016)
    What has your God done in this place?
    Ancient people in the biblical period of history did not question the existence of God. To those people the question was always, “Which god/God do you serve?” We see the question answered in the biblical narrative. Pharaoh didn’t question the existence of the Hebrew God, but he believed the gods of Egypt were superior. The Philistines sent their champion Goliath to battle the Israelite champion in a contest to see which god/God was greater. David’s prayer that the world would know the true God bears it out.
    Nothing is different in modern times. Modern people serve their gods too. Atheism claims that there is no god, but in truth atheists simply deny the existence of a greater power, our God, and put themselves or natural order in his place. Humanism has been the temptation of humans since the Fall in Eden.
    In Christian schools we proclaim that every square inch of creation belongs to our God. The Fall has spoiled it and thrown the world into chaos. While Christ’s death has paid the price of sin and redeemed us, the process of restoring and reclaiming this broken world continues. We are his kingdom-advancing agents called to confront a world where people continue to put other gods in God’s place.
    To this day in the land of Israel there are large stones standing in many places. These stones are unmarked, inanimate objects. They are usually found on a high place. Visitors who understand their purpose ask two questions: “Who is the god of this place?” and “What did the god of this place do here?”
    When Israel passed through the Jordan, Joshua gave the elders of each tribe an instruction recorded in Joshua 4, “Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, to serve as a sign among you. In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.”
Why did the Israelites set up twelve stones? They did it for the children. They did it for the grandchildren. It was done so that generations yet unborn will know what God did for his people in that place! Forever!
    Standing stones are inanimate objects, and so are our school buildings. Yet both stand as living testimonies and witnesses to the God of the place. This week is designated as Christian Education Week. It is an annual reminder to us to tell the story of what God has done in this place. It is an opportunity to tell the stories of vision, commitment, and sacrifice. It is an opportunity to go beyond the explanation of what Christian education is and into the stories of why Christian education is vital for kingdom-minded disciples of Jesus.
    What has God done and what is God continuing to do in this place?

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Christian Education Week

Christian Education Week  -  April 25-28, 2016

    During the week of April 25-28, Woodstock Christian will celebrate Christian Education Week. Not only will each event and happening throughout the week shine a light on our passion for Christian education, it will also reinforce our theme for the year - "Telling God's Story".
    We will start our Monday morning with thanksgiving to our dedicated and willing volunteers at a special tea held in the gymnasium!
    On Tuesday, we appreciate our Bus Drivers! It is also the day of our annual Picnic lunch - where parents and loved ones can join our student and eat together. To end the day, we will be helping others through our fundraiser "Jump Rope for Heart".
    On Wednesday, we look forward to seeing new faces at the Art Walk Open House. The hallways will be lined with beautiful art work from every class! In the evening we have a chance to shine for the community with the presentation of Anne of Green Gables. We praise God for the gifts and talents He has blessed each of us with!
    Thursday is the day to see God's faithfulness throughout the generations. We invite all Grand Friends to join us for lunch, classroom visits and student presentations.
    What a great way to celebrate who we are, and what God is doing throughout  the hallways and rooms at Woodstock Christian School. Please join us where you are able, and invite your friends and family to celebrate with us!
                            Dawn Streutker, Advancement Director

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The Little Details

The Little Details

    As we've been unpacking and reflecting on the story of Jesus' death and resurrection throughout the past few weeks, the Gr. 5 students and I have been reminded of the importance of 'the little details'. The little details can make a story come to life. Whether it's the back-story of a character, or how the author describes the setting; all great stories seem to paint a vivid picture by including several details to allow the reader to create a memorable image, and hold on to that content for a long time.
    Recently our class finished a historical-fiction story-book entitled: Amon's Adventure which we thoroughly enjoyed. The story takes place in Jerusalem, a few weeks before Jesus' death on the cross. Amon, a 13 year old boy, and his two friends, have to try and save Amon's father (who has been accused of stealing from the temple) from a terrible fate: crucifixion. The three kids overcome many obstacles, all of which are based on writings from the 4 gospels. One major challenge for Amon is whether or not he believes that Jesus is truly The Messiah. Our class really enjoyed this story and would recommend it to anyone. The little details chosen by the author paint a vivid picture of that time culture and time period, and the different attitudes of the Jewish and Roman people toward Jesus. The grade 5 students and I, found out through experience that reading a story like Amon's Adventure  really helped increase our understanding of who Jesus is and what he stood for. 

                            Axel Hiemstra, Gr. 5 

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Springfest Reflections

Springfest Reflections

    This past Saturday, I had opportunity to hear many stories - each a memory of past "Bazaars". Our former principal, Mr. Ray Vander Ploeg, shared how they let balloons go from the roof with notes attached, requesting those who found them to send letters back. One farmer in the U.S. wrote that he found the balloon while working in his field - and how he too sent his children to a Christian school. A lady shared how she used to come with her Oma to sell flowers and now was excited to be a vendor herself. Others shared how they have never missed a year even though their children and grandchildren have graduated. When I came home, excited stories came from my own children - what was in their Bizarre bottle, who they saw, and who they raced in the obstacle course. What touched me most was how each story was woven into Woodstock Christian's blessed history - but more importantly, how each one reflected God's story. Our theme verse , "Let the Redeemed of the Lord tell God's story" (Psalm 107:1-2), kept going through my head that day. Yes, God's story is being told over and over! He is so faithful to WCS! We were in awe of all who came together to be part of another successful day, building community and raising funds for Christian Education.
    Thank you to all. To God be the Glory!
                            Heather De Boer
                            Springfest Co-Chair

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