800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492



"The Lord is my strength and my song: He has become my salvation” Ps 118:14. This is the verse Grade 8 students chose as their graduation verse and it is displayed on the hall mural (Beautiful!). It is my prayer that as the graduating students leave WCS and as the rest of us take a break from WCS for the summer, we will all take this verse with us, owning it as our profession. In our faith, learning and living this year, we declared that we are rooted and established in the love of Christ… so daily we grow, fed by this love, knowing that the Lord strengthens us. And He is our song… we rejoice in His presence as we continue our journey on life’s path. He has become our salvation…what a blessing to be able to proclaim Christ as our salvation. I am so thankful for opportunities our students have to grow closer to their Saviour in their living and learning at WCS.
I wish you all a summer of rest, relaxation and refocusing.  Go with God in His strength and joy.

Mrs. Huinink-Buiter
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