800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492




    One of the Woodstock Christian School taglines is community. God has placed us here in this time and place to be community together. Showing care and concern for one another, laughing and celebrating together, helping out where needed and just spending time together builds community. Jean Vanier founder of the international movement of L’Arche communities and  acclaimed as “a Canadian who inspires the world” (Maclean's Magazine) and a “nation builder” (The Globe and Mail) says “There are three activities that are absolutely vital in the creation of a community. The first is eating together.... The second is praying together….. And the third is celebrating together.” Last Friday night, we held our annual Welcome Back dessert social and we did all three. What an awesome evening of community building!!
    To be community, I would like to encourage all families to get involved in the school life at WCS. One of the ways to do this is through volunteering. Today your child(ren) will be bringing home the G.I.F.T.S. survey. Prayerfully consider areas in which you are skilled and passionate, check off opportunities on the survey and return the form to school. We will build a database of volunteers from this list and call you when needed. However you don’t need to wait for that!! During a meeting that the WCS Fundraising Team held recently, they committed to further letting the school families know of opportunities to volunteer as they arise. Each week, we will include the following announcement on ParentLink that you are invited to respond to:
    "Whether you are new to WCS or a long time family, you are always welcome to get involved.  Volunteering is a great way to meet new parents, and contribute to your child's educational experience.  It is a valuable way to build a spirit of community and at WCS it is our goal to provide volunteer opportunities that match your gifts and talents.  There are many ways to help out and we encourage you to look for an area you can serve.   We invite everyone to participate on some level!  For more info and details on where YOU can get involved, please email adeboer@xplornet.ca"

                            Serving joyfully together in Christ’s service,
                            Bernice Huinink-Buiter (Principal)

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