800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


I am Blessed

    Our 2015-2016 school year at WCS is now in full swing. I've realized again what a great place WCS is, and how blessed I am to teach here. Some September highlights for me are: Seeing students giving it their all in classroom activities/assignments and soccer tryouts/practices, signing up to be school leaders, welcoming new students into our community, and fundraising (i.e. Terry Fox pledges for cancer research). I realize how fortunate I am to be teaching at a school that is united in Christian values, and that I'm allowed to encourage the Christian faith and talk about our wonderful God on a daily basis - there are many teachers who aren't allowed or supposed to do that. 
    I enjoy and appreciate the stories students tell me about home life, the prayer requests they make for people in our community, the creativity they are able to generate in their writing and art work, or the excitement they possess when they describe a novel they've been reading. As we move forward into October and the rest of the year, I pray that as a community we'll try to focus on our Christian mission: being servants: putting others first (as Jesus always did); and I pray that we'll all continue to see more great things happening here at WCS.

                            Mr. A. Hiemstra

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