800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


Parents are Amazing

Parents are AMAZING!

Last week teachers were pampered, spoiled, and inspired by the parents of WCS. Each day we were treated to amazing lunches and  a break from our outdoor supervisory duties. What a boost!! One of the teachers is quoted as saying, “It’s the little things that matter so much this week - getting up in the morning and not having to make my lunch, taking one of my recess times to sit in the staffroom enjoying delicious food and the company of colleagues is such a treat!” The notes of encouragement reaffirmed to us that parents support and hold us up in prayer for us as we teach your children. Last week, God used you to bless us  in a special way, and as staff of WCS, we THANK YOU for all you did to make us feel appreciated - you are so appreciated by all of us!!! WCS is really a wonderful place to work!

                            Mrs. Bernice Huinink-Buiter

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