800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492



    As we become engulfed in the busyness of Christmas it can quickly become a stressful and overwhelming event. Amidst the commercialism of this sacred holiday we lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. In Kindergarten we have been looking at various symbols that we see at Christmas and are reminded of how we can use them to have our eyes and thoughts on Christ this Christmas season. Here are a few…
The Tree - points us to heaven and reminds us that God is love
The Wreath - is a circle reminding us that God's love for us never ends
The Candle - shines brightly, showing us that Jesus is the light of the world
The Candy Cane - is shaped like a shepherd's staff reminding us that Jesus is our shepherd
The Presents - remind us of God's gift to the world.
    As we journey through this Christmas season may we remember to keep focussed on the Christ child and the precious gift that was given to us in a manger. 
                            Marcia Horinga


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