800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492



It's a brand new year! Welcome to our new students and staff. Welcome back previous students, teachers and support staff and drivers. A special welcome to parents, relatives, friends, neighbours of WCS. We are happy to have your support and share your excitement for another school year. This summer, WCS was a construction zone. There were wooden rooms around the office door, and the washrooms near the staffroom. There was wood and mortar and gravel in the halls. Contractors, plumbers, electricians, and volunteers were in and out. It was noisy and messy and really interesting to see the changes taking place. Classrooms were emptied and cleaned and filled again. As renovations wrapped up, this place began to feel like a school again. But not quite because there  were no students yet. Without students, it's not really a school. Today, we are ready to roll. The  energy is back and we praise God for a new year and new beginnings! I am excited to explore our new theme: FAITH IN ACTION - HEROES FOR GOD. Stay tuned for future chapels, assemblies, and editorials exploring how God used and uses ordinary people for his purposes. Blessings for the new school year.
Carol Verbeek
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