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Science Fair

Science Learning

Science Fair projects have been a part of the learning culture at WCS for many years. What makes a science fair project such a great learning experience is that it involves so much more than just science? Communication is a key component as students need to be able to articulate their process, goals and findings clearly. Other aspects that tie into the process of creating a science fair project that connect to learning goals for students include writing the research report, researching topics on the internet, conducting experiments using precise skills, and learning about plagiarism. Students are asked to discuss their projects and to relate the learning process to an authentic audience of fellow classmates, teachers, judges, and members of the community who attend the Open House. Of course, the scientific method of learning is at the heart of any science fair project. Science fairs are a great way for students to recognize what is going on in creation—the forces and processes that are at work all around them—and to inspire the desire to understand more about the world that God created. Preparing a science fair project is an excellent example of a hands-on, inquiry-based learning approach that allows students to ask questions and then to explore the answers. It starts already in their earliest learning years! When we provide the opportunity for students to learn this way, we are allowing them to wonder about things and then encouraging them to explore, to research, and to communicate to others what they’ve learned. Come wonder with us!

-Carol Verbeek, Principal 

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