800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


Stepping out in Faith


Several times this year, during our chapels and assemblies, students at WCS have been able to hear directly from people in our community about stepping out in faith. Though my guess is that any of our presenters would be reluctant to call themselves heroes of faith, they have provided concrete and real ways of demonstrating faith in action. Last Thursday, Isaiah and Danielle VanWyk shared their family’s story with students and staff. They experienced countless blessings and can speak boldly of ways in which they have grown and ways in which they saw God at work, both in their training and in their mission experiences in Africa last year. Earlier this year, Krista DuChene (Marathon Mom) spoke of her experiences as a Christian and a high level athlete. She too had many stories to share, especially about disappointments and life not turning out the way she’d planned. Krista emphasized her trust in God and her comfort that God’s ways are wiser and better than our ways. The deBueger family reminded us that God has a purpose and plan for each one of us. They explained that there are places all over the world where people do not yet know God and that we are all tasked with bringing the light of Jesus to dark places. I thank God for the people that He places in our paths who continue to share their stories, and who are living examples of faith in action. Psalm 78 verse 4 continues to inspire us at WCS. “We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders.”

Keep telling your children!

                                         Carol Verbeek, Principal

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