800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


God Loves Me So Much


This morning, students & staff began the week with a chapel based on the school theme: ROOTED IN LOVE. Ben Gillen from Innerkip Presbyterian Church with his musicians Gop and Lauren led us in music and message. We were reminded that our AMAZING, GREAT, AWESOME God wants to make His home in our hearts. We can trust Him, rely on Him always.
God invites us to have a direct personal relationship with Him, not a relationship through our parents, grandparents, teachers, pastors. They show us Christ's love, they walk alongside us in our walk, but we personally are welcomed into His arms. He LOVES us so much- His love is so wide, so deep, so high and so long!
We are challenged to encounter God's love in a fresh way today! In our living at school, at home, with our friends, our family and our community, we respond by showing others our love which mirrors Christ's love to us. God loves you and me!

Mrs. Huinink-Buiter
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