800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


Track & Field

Track and Field Day, on Friday, was a wonderful day! It was a little chilly, but there was great enthusiasm and camaraderie. I spent most of my day at the ribbon table, which by the way is a great place to be. Watching the younger children receive their standards ribbons is priceless. They are so excited about winning a ribbon and their faces are a joy to behold. Their shouts of excitement, when they receive gold or silver standards are so awesome! As many of you know, the place ribbons were not available until 12:00. We at the ribbon table were impressed by the patience the children showed in waiting for their ribbons! It is always so awesome to see so many parents, grandparents, and former students come out to help and to cheer on and encourage the children in all their events. Many personal bests were made this field day! Way to go students!!! Now that our field day is done, some of the children will need to continue practicing for District Track and Field Day on June 4.
N. VanAndel
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