January 2022
Growing in Faith
You may have seen this part of the banner in our front hall. The words in this graphic are all taken from the Student Character Profile of WCS.
As we developed this document at WCS several years ago, our desire was to articulate more fully the words in our tagline - FAITH, LEARNING, COMMUNITY. As we partner with you in your child’s education, join us in praying for and and working together to cultivate, and to model for our children/students these key characteristics and skills. While GROWING IN FAITH, students will:
• live their lives in thankfulness to God, praising and serving him
• think critically, test the spirits of this age, and show thoughtful discernment
• share their conviction that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world and that God the Father is the creator and keeper of all
• have a sense of wonder for the fallen but beautiful creation
• show basic Biblical literacy, cultivate a Christian worldview that combines intellectual understanding of God’s call on their life with the awareness of the need for action through the prompting of the Holy Spirit
• possess a deep understanding of God’s grace and a sense of humility about self
• articulate that God created them uniquely as his image-bearers, that God loves them, and has called them serve in this world.
Carol Verbeek, Principal
A fresh start
After the disruptions of the past two years, many people feel stuck in a rut. Habit patterns shifted. Many people began watching church services online while sitting on their sofas at home. Small groups struggled to stay together. We began working from our kitchen tables. Many parents tended to their children all day, trying to help them with online learning. We wondered if we would ever feel normal again.
Joel 2:25 - “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.” The people in Joel’s day suffered a pestilence of locust, but God promised to restore them – and to restore the losses they had sustained. Ask Him to do the same for you. The Lord Jesus is a master at restoring and reviving His people. One pastor simply prayed, “Lord, I need a fresh anointing!”
Why not ask God for a fresh start in 2022? Ask Him to restore your soul and to give you a fresh burden for the new year. Ask Him to make up for what’s been lost.
He can and will restore joy and productivity in your life!
Like a watch, the human spirit can just run down…God has the power and willingness to breathe a new breath of life into one who has lost.
A New Year!
A New Year! Lamentations 3:22-24 tells us: Because of the loving devotion of the LORD we are not consumed, for His mercies never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.”
The New Year can often bring a mixed bag of emotions and memories. While some may have just experienced the best year ever and look forward to an even greater one ahead, others may have just trudged through one struggle after another. The fresh calendar year brings hope for things to be better. Whether you’ve just walked through a great year or are incredibly glad to see 2021 finally over, one truth still rings clear amidst it all. You are not alone. Not ever. Scripture is filled with prayers of men and women who reached out to God for a fresh start. Praying is the main source of connection to the one who created you and the one who wants you to experience blessings and promises in the future. Praying at the start of the New Year doesn't necessarily bring immediate change, but it begins the opening of our hearts to God's words of hope and peace.
Our God is a “with us" God. On the heels of the celebration of the birth of our King, that reminder has the power to carry us right into a fresh, new start. He is Immanuel, God with us.
(Resource: crosswalk.com) Carol Verbeek, Principal