800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492



Prayer is a way for us to commune with God. It is a time to reflect, request and rejoice. 
This past week I enjoyed meeting as a small group to pray over matters of the WCS community. We took time with God to reflect on our graduated class; we prayed for a smooth transition to high school. We reflected on our opening assembly where there were several missing faces. We prayed for them, their life changes, their school changes and thanked God for the time we had with them. We rejoiced with God for the new families joining our community and the large JK class. We rejoiced with God for the wonderful teaching staff, dynamic principal and bus drivers that work hard to keep our children safe. We requested that God protect the families in our community that are under attack. And we asked that he comfort families that are grieving. We thanked God for his faithfulness to sustain us through difficult times and the hope we have in him for the future. We have so much to request and rejoice about! 
It felt great to lay it all before the Lord and go from there with the comfort that he has the Whole World in His Hands!
D. Streutker, Advancement & Communications
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