800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


The Clown of God

My favourite picture book is "The Clown of God", an old story retold and illustrated by Tomie DePaola. This French legend telling of the little juggler, Giovanni, who offers the gift of his talent and witnesses a miracle of the Sun (Son) of the heavens has always brought me closer to seeing God's glory in all I am called to do. At one point in the story, Giovanni meets two priests with whom he shares his lunch. When they tell him "Everything sings of the glory of God! Even your juggling," he laughs, replying, "I only juggle to make people laugh and applaud." To which the two Brothers reply, "It's the same thing. If you give happiness to people, you give glory to God as well."
I pray that in all we do this week, we also will give happiness to people…Everything sings of the glory of God!

Mrs. Huinink-Buiter
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