800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492



As valentines approaches let's remember what it was like for us as a child. Remember carefully picking out which card would go to each person in class. Excitedly handing them out in class to each person, being careful not to miss anyone. Then after getting home, finding a spot to lay out every card. Then basking the the feelings of affirmation that people in class appreciated you. It can be such an exciting time as a child to celebrate Valentine's Day. Unfortunately these feelings of appreciation fade over time. If we teach our students to rely on God's love, during Valentines, we will build a security of His goodness. 1 John 3:1a “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” And that is what we are! Let's use this week show love to those we care about and remember the great love the father has for you.
Mrs. K. Poort
God's Valentine gift of love to us
Was not a bunch of flowers;
It wasn't candy, or a book
To while away the hours.
His gift was to become a man,
So He could freely give
His sacrificial love for us,
So you and I could live.
He gave us sweet salvation, and
Instruction, good and true--
To love our friends and enemies
And love our Savior, too.
So as we give our Valentines,
Let's thank our Lord and King;
The reason we have love to give
Is that He gave everything.
By Joanna Fuchs
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