800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


Pancake Breakfast

WCS PANCAKE BREAKFAST is happening tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, February 19th. Students are excited about wearing pyjamas, carrying their ‘stuffies’, and eating deliciously sweet and sticky pancakes with their buddies. As a school, we also get excited about being able to support children in countries like Cambodia and Zambia with school supplies, resources, and education programs. Did you know that at least 72 million primary school-age children worldwide are not in school? Children either live too far from schools, need to work/earn money to support their families, or they can’t afford essentials such as uniforms or school supplies. Our annual pancake breakfast @ WCS helps support our neighbours around the world. This year, breakfast money is designated for World Renew. 

World Renew’s goal is systemic, generational change in five key areas: community health, food security, economic opportunity, disaster response, peace and justice. When we partner with this agency, we are supporting programs that work across these areas, renewing more hope for more people in all the ways that count. Check worldrenew.net to read stories of strength, courage, and the faithful love of Christ present around the world. 

So, students, wear your pyjamas and bring your appetite and your favourite 'stuffy' to our annual pancake breakfast on Wednesday, February 19th. The cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. Donations will be gladly received for the work of World Renew. Education is one of the most powerful tools for reducing poverty. Thank you for joining us in changing stories for hope.


                                                                                                                Carol Verbeek 


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