800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492



February can often be a blah month - I am sure many of you can agree. Here at Woodstock Chrstian School our junior and senior grades help break up the February blah’s with electives - activities such as baking, skiing, hairdressing and other alternate activities  So we as primary teachers also decided to break things up for the students in our primary classes this February as well. 

In Grades 1, 2, and 3 this past month we have been enjoying a combined grade exploration unit about Structures. We are learning that structures need to be strong and stable, that they need a strong foundation and strong materials in order to support a load. Students are experimenting with building, using various materials, while also exploring some man made and God made structures in creation. One of the great things about Christian education is the opportunity to weave our Christian faith in to all that we teach. Throughout our primary devotions and structures unit studies, students have made connections to the parable of the wise man and foolish man and how we as believers can build our lives on God’s Word, the Bible which is a solid foundation. Students have also learned that there is a time to build and a time to tear down, a season for everything- a message from the book of Ecclesiastes. 

When you are in our school building take a moment to walk down our primary hallway and enjoy the photos on the bulletin board displaying our learning from this unit. 


~Marcia Horinga~


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