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Phone: 519-539-1492


Armour of God

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17  Of all of the pieces of armour, the one we are most experienced with is the helmet. Hockey players, cyclists, snowboarders, rock climbers... we wear a helmet when we engage in these and more. Why wear a helmet? To protect your head, of course. The helmet is a key piece as it protects your skull, your brain, your vision, your thoughts… such a critical component of your body. But why, as a Christian, protect your head? The armour of a warrior is the analogy that Paul uses when he advises Jesus-followers to get ready for the conflicts and battles inevitable in life. The Helmet of Salvation protects our mind, where so many battles take place. 1 Corinthians 2:16 tells us that believers “have the mind of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 explains that those who are in Christ have divine power to “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” The gift of salvation in Jesus Christ is our helmet; when we believe and profess Jesus as our Lord and Savior by grace through faith, we are outfitted with this defensive headpiece. When we are  intentionally fixed upon and abiding in Christ, we suit up for battle against the enemy’s schemes and the world’s temptations.

But we must consciously put it on every day to protect our minds and to find our hope and strength. So, we learn Scripture through memory work. We read the Bible in devotions and in Bible class. We pray through and over all things. We wear the armour.

Sources: trinityruston.org/devotions/.jtdyer.com/the-helmet-of-salvation/ , wheatonbible.org/ )

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Takes a village...

A Village…

Every day, it becomes more evident that it takes a village to raise a child. Families depend on neighbours, extended family, and church communities to partner with them in nurturing their children. God created us to live in relationship. The last few months it has been hard to do this, but in due time we will be back to seeing people and oh, how we will enjoy everyone’s presence so much more!

Next week, we will be hosting an Information Evening for prospective families and it again struck me that the school community is part of the ‘village’ that nurtures and supports our children. As parents wonder whether WCS will be the school for their children, they will have a chance to listen to and learn about all the things that WCS has to offer and how we will be part of their village. Over and over again, I think how blessed we are to have such a great community and school that we can be a part of every day. 

We pledge to honour each child as a child of God to develop the gifts that they have been given, to treat them with respect and dignity, to provide a safe, nurturing environment and to help them grow closer to God in all their learning. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family’s village.


                                                                                                                                                                               Joleen Mulder

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When we discuss why we do what we do at Woodstock Christian School, inevitably the word ‘equip’ comes up. When you consider the what and how of raising children in your family, I am sure you also desire to equip your kids for life beyond your family. We teach students through the lens of the Bible, who they are, whose they are, and about the wonders of creation and the brokenness in our world. We teach them about who Jesus is, and how to live as Jesus-followers in the world. We teach skills and strategies. We want to equip students with knowledge and ability for future education, for relationships, and for work.

STAND FIRM is our WCSchool theme this year based on two passages:   “Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14), and Ephesians 6:10-20 where Paul speaks about putting on the whole armour of God. 

In the next couple of months, we will explore these various pieces of spiritual armor, and how each of us, adults and children, can use these in our faith- and life-walk to STAND FIRM.

God provides these six aspects of the Christian life, (see the illustration here - shield, helmet, belt, sword, breastplate, shoes) plus prayer (verse 18), to strengthen and protect us and ultimately help us to triumph in our spiritual battles. Remember to pray for your children, that they will be strong, stand firm, grow and flourish.


                                                                                                              Carol Verbeek, Principal

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Reading the Word of God is a practice we as Christians try to do faithfully. At times this may be difficult, especially when our lives are so busy. A common excuse is “Not enough time.” As we are in lockdown there should be more opportunities to spend reading God’s word. There is an acronym PRESS that I came across that helps me to focus.

Prayer - Before going to God’s word, we should always pray. What do you pray for? Anything really. Sing his praises, ask for wisdom on how to analyze the passage you are about to read.

Read - Read through the scripture at least twice. Highlight any words or phrases that stand out to you. Journal about any questions or emotions you have as you read this passage.

Examine - Think about the following questions. “What do I need to know about God, myself and others?” “What do I need to change in my thoughts, attitudes, or actions?” What do I need to do in obedience to God’s leading?”

Summarize - Write down the main points or summarize what God is saying to you.

Share - Who would benefit from hearing your thoughts? Maybe a Christian brother or sister needs to be encouraged. Maybe a neighbour or coworker would benefit from hearing.

Pretty simple, right? Simple yet powerful. I hope this Bible study method provides you with some tools to help you study God’s word.

Mrs. J. Hickey

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Waiting for ...

We have just come out of the Advent season, a season that marks a period of waiting - remembering the waiting for the Saviour’s coming, and waiting for the anticipated return of Jesus to make all things new. We find ourselves in many waiting situations these days, whether that be for curbside pick-up, in the Zoom waiting room, waiting for appointments, for news of new measures, for notice of return to in-person learning. We ask each other what school, work, public health will be like after the pandemic while we wait for it to run its course. We say we ‘can’t wait’ to have students back in the school again. Or ‘can’t wait’ for things to return to normal. In John 10, Jesus speaks to his audience using examples of sheep and shepherding to convey his message. His listeners are not understanding, not ‘getting’ the message, so Jesus tries another approach. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy,” says Jesus. “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Jesus comes to bring life to His people. Jesus is in direct contrast to the thief. He provides. The thief steals. Steals joy, contentment, faith, confidence. There is much living to be done in the waiting. Do not let waiting steal life from you. Life does not pause: words need to be spoken, work needs to be done, decisions need to be made, rest needs to be taken, good news needs to be shared, moments need to be celebrated. From a Bible commentary, “The Greek word for ‘abundance,’ perissos, has a mathematical meaning and generally denotes a surplus…The abundant life is above all the contented life, in which our contentment is based upon the fact that God is equal to every emergency and is able to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus” (Boice, commentary). Abundant life isn’t an especially long life. Abundant life isn’t an easy, comfortable life. Abundant life is a life of satisfaction and contentment in Jesus. He provides more than we can imagine.

- Carol Verbeek

(Resources: enduringword.com/commentary, Bible ESV)

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The Power of Words

Greetings from the WCS Library.  Books surround me here as I write this.  There are words, words and more words.  Since I love reading words, sometimes I try to imagine how they are put together so skillfully by any author.   Words fascinate me and where they came from fascinates me even more. Last week I read about a proficient “word scientist,” an American writer known as an “aphorist.”  I had to check that specific occupation out a couple of times! This writer named Cooley Madson just loved words and greatly debated the weight of their meaning.  It seems obvious that words can cause people great joy and hope or great sadness and mistrust (Isn’t that a current theme in our world, right now).  As a writer, he felt that his goal in life was to write witty aphorisms, a “terse, quick, memorable statement of a general truth or principle.  Here are a few he came up with:

Reading Gives us someplace to go, when we have to stay where we are.”  (Very timely!)

“Creativity makes a leap, then it looks to see where it is.”

Here is another one: “There are three different rules for reading, thinking, and for talking.  Writing blends all three of them.”  

I just thought I would share the words of this aphorist.  The greatest example we have of words that bring life are those from Jesus Christ.  His words in the Bible are full of life, hope, and joy.  Especially in this challenging time, and any time, may we bring others words that bring life.

                                                                                                                                                Marion Dieleman, Librarian

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A New Year

Here we are in a brand new year - with brand new opportunities to learn more about God, about the world, about the people around us, and about ourselves. We have a God who loves us - a God who makes and keeps his promises to us and to the world. We’ve just come through the celebrations of Christmas - Jesus’ birthday - and reminders that all of those prophecies and teachings in the Old Testament Bible really did come true.

What does God have in store for us this year? What will happen this year in our families, in our community, in world events? We have come through a rough year and though life continues to be unsettled, we can be assured that good things are happening and will happen - that we will be blessed. We also know that disappointing, sad and hurtful things will happen. Our school theme this year is “STAND FIRM”. The words of 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love” continue to be so relevant and inspiring.         

In everything, we will keep praising God, encouraging each other, and praying for those in our community - those who know Jesus and those who don’t. We will pray that God will also use us to do his work - to love and serve others. We will stand firm in our faith in our Lord.

Last year is past, but not forgotten. Take what wisdom you’ve gathered last year, learn from it, and keep growing in knowledge and in understanding and in wisdom. May God bless you and guide you as you walk with Him in 2021. 

                                                                                                                                                                    Carol Verbeek, Principal


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O Holy Night!

O Holy Night was originally a French Christmas carol written in 1847. It’s rumoured that a French soldier in the trenches of the First World War began singing O Holy Night (along with several other carols) and kicked off the Christmas Eve Armistice of World War I. Historians to this day debate exactly what happened, but the story goes that French, British, and Belgian troops lay down their weapons and mingled with their German counterparts for a short time on Christmas Eve, and may have even played a friendly game of soccer!

During the Christmas season, no matter where you go, shoppers, travellers and listeners are subjected to relentless Christmas music and at the same time, reminded of the coming Messiah! Maybe the song “O Holy Night” has crossed your airwaves recently. Did you ever stop to consider the words? One line, in particular, stands out to me: “a weary world rejoices.”

Many feel weary this Christmas. 2020 has been a difficult year. It’s been a year of loss for all of us, whether that was a job, a loved one, a relationship, or our sense of peace and security. As we head into the Christmas season, it can be difficult to muster up feelings of holiday joy.

And you know what? That’s okay. We don’t have to have it all together, or even feel particularly festive, to feel that thrill of joy and hope at our Savior’s birth. In fact, these moments of pain make the miracle of Jesus’ life and death feel all the more relevant and important. For what else could make us feel such awe and wonder, even in the midst of trouble?

What a beautiful reminder of the splendour of our Savior’s birth. That after the world lay in sin and darkness, it was struck with a “thrill of hope.” This event was the fulfilment of many prophecies and reason for rejoicing. The birth of Christ brought and continues to bring about a “new and glorious” day (reference: biblestudytools.com). As you go about your Christmas celebrations this year, keep your eyes on Jesus, God’s gift of hope and salvation for our weary world.

Blessings to all for the Christmas break. Looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us in 2021!

                                                                                                                                     Carol Verbeek, Principal


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God's Love and Faithfulness

Once again, our WCS community came together, for 2 evenings last week, in our shared mission to nurture faith, engage learning, and grow in community … to the glory of God.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.  Parents and teachers share a commitment to nurturing the faith development of our students.  Parent-teacher conferences are an opportunity for us to speak honestly about the progression of this development.  The “Living in Community” section of the progress report offers a window for parents to understand how their child is responding to and contributing in Christian community.

Proverbs 4:13 Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.  Learning at WCS occurs through a biblical world-view that requires the learner to question, gather information, and reflect on God’s design of His world and all things contained in it.  Progress reports give parents an understanding of how and what their child is learning through a biblical world-view.  All subject areas can be considered ‘bible class’.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.  The parents and teacher experience a close sense of community during a year of teaching a student.  God is present in that close community.  His presence during conferences allows parents and the teacher to develop a Godly vision of learning progress, goal setting, and support for the student.  

Once again, God has demonstrated his love for and faithfulness to WCS.  During a time of social distancing and uncertainty, God provided a way for our community to meet and discuss the training up of His children.  God has blessed us with the technology, flexibility, and adaptability to fulfill the mission of WCS.  Once again, God has demonstrated his love for and faithfulness to WCS!

Then you, being rooted and grounded in love, will have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth of the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.  Eph 3:17-19


                                                                            Mrs. Racicot

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Advent- Hope

Yesterday our churches celebrated the 1st Sunday of Advent - HOPE.  

Isaiah 11:1-3 - A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a BRANCH will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit or counsel and of might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord— and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. 

This branch (Jesus) will have an intimate relationship with the Lord and will desire to do His will. He will be greater than David. With righteousness he will judge the world. Jesus will be the obedient servant and will experience the judgement for our sins. He will bring peace too hard to imagine. He will bring joy to the world and heaven and nature will sing. Nature will be at peace, shalom. 

God will transform the whole world by the shoot of the stump of Jesse. All our hopes and fears are met in this shoot. HE is our hope and glory.

Take this hope with you wherever you go!

                                                                                                                 Natalie VanAndel

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Stand Firm & Persevere

One of the topics that we’ve discussed recently as teachers in regards to cultivating student success is ‘grit’. Biblical words for grit might be ‘steadfastness’, ‘firm’, ‘endurance’. 

What is grit? Grit is not about talent or intelligence. Grit is about passion and determination. It is the ability to persist at achieving goals and persevere when there are obstacles or a situation becomes difficult. According to a leading researcher, Angela Duckworth, grit can probably be taught both in the home and at school. "Kids may have the wrong beliefs and have misunderstandings about skill development…beliefs that stand in the way of tapping into performance traits. When students struggle with a task, they may believe that they lack the ability to solve the problem and, therefore, give up. It is important for students to understand that it is ok to feel confused when learning something new, and actually, it is expected. We can teach students that making mistakes or taking a long time to complete an assignment is a normal part of learning, not a sign of failure.” With a focus on character development, community and belonging, WCS strives to create classrooms that are safe places to be curious, to explore, and learn. There will always be mistakes and failures along the way, but those too, are learning opportunities. 

Resources: TedTalk A.Duckworth on grit & resilience      Developing Grit In Our Students

                                                                                                         Carol Verbeek, Principal

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Reimagining Hospitality

One of the things that I miss most in this pandemic world is hospitality. Not that people aren’t hospitable, not at all, but that our homes and spaces are not open and available as usual for people to drop in, to share food and refreshment, to hang out in person. Perhaps you too lament the absence of the buzz of a gathering, of good conversation, coffee, cupcakes, and maybe croquettes. As we at Woodstock Christian School plan for fall and Christmas, though we would love to invite guests for our annual Christmas production/program, host grandfriends at our Christmas tea, gather at the Southwood Arena for our annual skate, or even as we think of Winterfest this week, we continue to limit our WCS contacts to essential workers and visitors. Regardless, we are celebrating! We celebrate God’s goodness. We celebrate each other and being together in the best way we can. We celebrate God’s gift of Jesus in the coming Advent season. We celebrate our community and the long and faithful commitment to Christian education. We shine the light of Jesus when and where we can.

Christian love is intended to shine brightly. Our current plight is a challenge for us to create opportunities for love and hospitality: to help a neighbour, host virtually, deliver when possible and encourage where necessary, to stay attuned to the needs of others. 


Blessings for this week, WCS community! Stand firm. Do everything in love.

Carol Verbeek

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