800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


June 2014

Year End.

Thank you to Mrs. Natalie VanAndel for reading this prayer to conclude the staff devotions for the 2013/14 school year.  The teachers were sad to say their good-byes but they also enjoy the season of summer!


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"The Lord is my strength and my song: He has become my salvation” Ps 118:14. This is the verse Grade 8 students chose as their graduation verse and it is displayed on the hall mural (Beautiful!). It is my prayer that as the graduating students leave WCS and as the rest of us take a break from WCS for the summer, we will all take this verse with us, owning it as our profession. In our faith, learning and living this year, we declared that we are rooted and established in the love of Christ… so daily we grow, fed by this love, knowing that the Lord strengthens us. And He is our song… we rejoice in His presence as we continue our journey on life’s path. He has become our salvation…what a blessing to be able to proclaim Christ as our salvation. I am so thankful for opportunities our students have to grow closer to their Saviour in their living and learning at WCS.
I wish you all a summer of rest, relaxation and refocusing.  Go with God in His strength and joy.

Mrs. Huinink-Buiter
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Once Again-Yard Sale-June 14th


The sun has been shining lately and we are so thankful!  Sunny days are PERFECT yard sale days!!!!
Once Again Upscale Resale, as you know, is currently still waiting to get back into their building.  
In the meantime, they are hosting a few sales.  THIS SATURDAY from 8 am-3 pm, they will be at WCS hosting their second sale day. 
There will be housewares, furniture, clothing and unique items for sale.  
The clothing will be sold by "stuffing a bag for $5!"  That's right, stuff a grocery bag FULL for only $5.  
Make sure you stop by and see what you can find!

Once Again is working hard to raise funds for WCS, so let's show our support!  
The last sale (furniture sale) held in the gym was a wonderful day of getting to know our community.  
Everybody likes a great deal and the shoppers came in droves!  We sure hope this happens again on Saturday!

How can you help??

As with any event, many hands are needed to lighten the load.  
This Thursday night, from 7pm - 9pm, they are in need of people to help bring up all the donations from downstairs.  
They have been busy sorting items and clothing in the spare classroom.  It's pretty full!  Send your teenagers over for a few hours or 
come yourself.  They definitely need your help!
Friday, June 13 - many of the Once Again board members will be working away all day, sorting and organizing donations, making things look good for Saturday.  
You can contact Jenessa VanRooyen if you'd like to come help them out.  (519-320-1808 or thevanrooyens@yahoo.ca)
Saturday, June 14 -  People are needed during the sale to help out customers, keep the tables looking tidy, working cash, and cleaning up at 3 pm. Again, contact Jenessa VanRooyen if you can help us out.  

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St. Paul's Presbyterian Church

St. Paul's is hosting Master Magician Scott Hood!  

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Woodstock District Track & Field Day

Woodstock District Track and Field Day

We are the champions! Yes, WCS took home the 2014 Champion Banner. It is especially exciting because the last time we won was year 2000! We were strong competitors at this year's district meet which was held in Strathroy. 50 WCS athletes competed against students from Aylmer, Clinton, London, Stratford, Strathroy, and St. Thomas. We were blessed with beautiful weather and a well organized event. (WCS was in charge!) Many parents came out to cheer on the team members that were easily recognized in their WCS team shirts. Good sportsmanship was shown and it was evident that the students were trying their best. Many students achieved their personal best in the events they competed in. We thank God for the gift of healthy and skilled bodies. We are very proud of the students of WCS! 

Mrs. J. Hickey
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Touch A Truck

Are you looking for something to do with your family this weekend?

Wee Creations Christian Preschool is hosting a Touch a Truck event at Woodstock Christian School on Saturday, June 7th! 

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It Is June

It is June!

We are jumping into this month with both feet! Exciting times… celebrating the school year that is quickly coming to an end. Class trips, class parties, extra outdoor activities, finishing up learning for the year, and Grade 8 graduation! And then the last day for all the other classes! For teachers, this is a bittersweet month of year. We are excited to see how far the students have come and are thrilled that they are ready to move into another stage in their lives. However, students have woven themselves into the teachers' hearts and this is a time of 'letting go', which is difficult. We find our strength and joy in the knowledge that God has "engraved [our students] on the palms of His hands" (Isaiah 49:16).
Pray for WCS students and teachers this month- for safety, protection, joy and ability to finish the year strong!

Mrs. Huinink-Buiter

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