800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492 Fax: 519 -539-1893

WCS Blog
February 18, 2025
I hope you all enjoyed this snowy, blustery weekend. It was quite an event!
January 13, 2025
We trust you all have had a restful Christmas break and that your family’s
February 26, 2024
As I’ve mentioned earlier, our mission at Woodstock Christian School is
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Woodstock Christian School strives to be an inclusive and supportive school; it seeks to regard children with exceptionalities as members of its learning community. Each person is God’s unique creation, reflecting the glory of God in his or her own way.  This means that the basic question is not "Can this student with exceptionalities do what the rest of the class is doing?" but rather, "How can we best meet the needs of this child and all the other members of the class?" Our starting point is that each student is valuable and accepted as a member of our school community.  From this point of view, decisions are made concerning the best interests of the child and the community of learners.



- We have a highly qualified and experienced dynamic staff including two Learning Support Teachers, Educational Assistants, a Barton Reading and Spelling Tutor, and a number of specialized consultants.

- A team approach is embraced.  Regular communication between home and school is highly encouraged, and team meetings take place to develop and update Individual Education Plans (IEPs), discuss progress, and brainstorm next steps.  

- Differentiated instruction and accommodations are provided to students in regular education classrooms.

  • In the Learning Place, hands-on and highly engaging individual and small group learning activities take place to meet the needs of our learners. Depending on the specific needs, this may include

  • Regular informal and formal assessments help monitor progress and shape instruction.

  • Anecdotal progress reports are sent home each term.

  • We receive government funding for services from the Community Care Access Centre for speech articulation, occupational therapy, and physical therapy