800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492 Fax: 519 -539-1893

WCS Blog
January 13, 2025
We trust you all have had a restful Christmas break and that your family’s
February 26, 2024
As I’ve mentioned earlier, our mission at Woodstock Christian School is
October 30, 2023
  Last Thursday, WCS teachers joined more than 1300 Christian educators,
Take The Tour
Coming Events

Terracycle Recycling Program

We have been participating in the Terracycle Recycling Program for a year now. Please collected items below and bring them to W.C.S . They will be recycled and are worth cash. Hang this on your fridge or corkboard to remember what items to collect. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Brigade Program $/item
What is Acccepted?

Brigade Program

$ / item

What is excepted?

Diaper Packaging Brigade


Plastic diaper and wipes packaging any brand

Drink Pouch Brigade


Most are Del Monte and Kool-aid but any brand is acceptable

Coffee Bag Brigade


Any brand and any size of coffee bag.

Lunch Kit Brigade


Any lunch kit. (not the cordboard covering)  i.e. Sneiders Lunchmate

Personal Care & Beauty                       Packaging Brigade


i.e. shampoo, lotions, toothpaste, nail polish, eyeliner pencils, deodorant, hair dye, makeup, etc.

Air Care Brigade


Plastic air freshener packaging, cartridges, and bottles.




Inkjet and Toner Brigade


Any inkjet and toner cartridges.

Digital Camera Brigade


Any digital camera

MP3 Player Brigade


Any MP3 player

Laptop Brigade


Any laptop

Cell Phone Brigade


Any cell phone


Smart Phones



Note:  All money raised goes directly to WCS.