Coats For Kids
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Grades SK, three, & eight need your help in collecting COATS for KIDS: Our goal is to donate 100 clean coats (of
any size) in good repair. Please note that we will also welcome other cold weather items, such as, snowpants, boots, hats, mittens and scarves. As you sort through your closets, please think of those families and individuals who could be blessed by your gift of warmth during the cold winter months.
Donations accepted until Thursday, November 14th.

any size) in good repair. Please note that we will also welcome other cold weather items, such as, snowpants, boots, hats, mittens and scarves. As you sort through your closets, please think of those families and individuals who could be blessed by your gift of warmth during the cold winter months.
Please bring your donations to J.Hickey (Gr3), L.Westerveld (SK), or C.Verbeek (Gr8).
Donations accepted until Thursday, November 14th.

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