Creation Calls
Monday, November 27, 2017

Creation Calls
The song, Creation Calls, by Brian Doerksen, is a good song for the month of November. This month between seasons, when fall has expired and it's not yet winter, is an opportune time to listen to the created world and know that God continues to speak through his handiwork. Visually, November is unremarkable. The leaves have fallen and blown into corners, gardens are stripped of foliage, grey and browns are predominant. Many November days are grey and daylight is in short supply. Creation has been stripped down to the bare essentials as we head into the harshness of winter. Thank God that we are able to experience creation through more than just the visual sense. Doerksen's song brings us to the words in Job 37 (and following) when God speaks to Job out of the storm, or to Psalm 104, one of the creation poems/songs of praise written by David. The song and words are about knowing creation and the Creator using all of our senses - we feel the wind, the tremble as thundering breakers roar, we hear the sounds of geese in flight, the wind through trees. All of these - the written word and the created world, the capacity that we have to experience, and yes, to enjoy these November days - speak to the glory and majesty of God. Take a look. Have a listen. Creation reveals God. Creation calls. (
C. Verbeek
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