800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492


Community Prayers

Community Prayers
For many years, staff and Board representatives of WCS have attended the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast for the City of Woodstock. This event provides an opportunity for the Christian community -- pastoral teams, ministry leaders, Christian business people -- to seek the well-being of the community and to pray for our leaders, as Scripture commends. It is an opportunity to build stronger bridges between City Hall and the faith community. It has been a blessing to meet and pray with community leaders and to see their heart for families throughout the city, for students, for those who struggle. Our WCS Forward Drive campaign booklet this year focuses on prayer and includes a prayer for community written by Trevor Birtch, Woodstock's Mayor.
1 John 4:12 "No one has seen God. If we love each other, God lives in us, and His love is perfected in us." The City of Woodstock and its citizens belong to You, God. Endow our mayor, and city council with your wisdom in decisions they make. Fill them with compassion, with discernement to listen as they lead their constituents. Give them courage to speak and live Your love and truth to those they serve. Hold the families of the city leaders as they support their loved ones. Protect them, enfold them with Your Spirit even as the enemy continues to attack. We know Jesus Christ already has the victory! In His name we pray, Amen.
C. Verbeek, Principal
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