February 2022
Immeasurably More
At our staff PD day on Friday, during morning devotions, we dug deeper into our school theme. We marveled at how big and creative and powerful our God is, as is seen throughout the universe, the oceans, the weather systems Job 26:7-14 NIV .
We tried to wrap our thoughts around being children of and believers in this God who is immeasurable Eph.3.20-21.TPT . And we were provoked to think about the size and the ask in our prayers. How large are your prayers? How imaginative? The Bible tells us that God can and will do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. No matter how big we ask or how great our imagination, God offers more.
Not only do we have a God who is able, who can, we have a God who will.
Think about that difference. God can. God will.
And what do we, as believers and Jesus-followers, need to do?
Pray. Think. Imagine. Ask.
Carol Verbeek, Principal
Psalm 127:3-5
“Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their opponents in court.”
This week we have a shortened week, as we have an extra day meant to spend with our families. Some families will be able to get away for a mid-winter mini-break. Others may just enjoy the rest from daily tasks and schedules at home. Regardless of how it is spent, the hope and idea is to give families a chance to check in with each other, and I hope, to enjoy each other.
As a parent, I see how God has given children as a gift and as a heritage; a joy, and a responsibility. God created families and the ties that bind them together. As a Christian, I also know that my children are His first and that their joy will ultimately be tied to Him. So as you take this moment in your February schedule to focus on your family, also take the time to bring your children before the Lord in prayer. Pray for protection - from sin in their lives and from the sin in the lives of their authorities. Pray for teachers and others to teach them what is good and right. Pray that God would guard against anyone who would plot evil against your children, including themselves. Pray for faith to be firmly planted so they are convinced, convicted, and converted to be children of God, knowing He loved them first. He loves them so much that He made a way for them to be His eternally and wants to be in a relationship with them.
Rachel Sikma
Marvel at God’s Creative Power
Psalm 65:4-8 is about awe and wonder and God’s power.
Have a read: We shall be satisfied with the good things of your house… You answer us by giving us victory, and you do wonderful things to save us. You set the mountains in place by your strength, showing your mighty power. You calm the roar of the seas and the noise of the waves; you calm the uproar of the peoples. The whole world stands in awe of the great things that you have done.
Have you done any marvelling lately? The dictionary defines the word ‘marvel’ as
to be filled with wonder or astonishment
to become filled with surprise, wonder, or amazed curiosity
Have you been outside on a winter day and paid attention to the details around you? What an amazing world God made for us to explore: icicles, animal tracks, snow of various textures from powder to packing, trees with a variety of branching patterns and colours, migrating birds, and so much more. When we take the time to ‘marvel’, we are appreciating the beauty and detail in creation, developing our sense of wonder, which translates into thankfulness to God for his creative goodness. Take some time to marvel this week.
Carol Verbeek, Principal